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Fourth Year: Fulfillment of God's Promises

Created At: November 16, 2018

Just a month to go and we'll be facing another year for this ministry that God has called us to serve and take care of.

We stepped on to this year with confidence and bringing God's command to us, saying: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." (Joshua 1:9) For He will be with us wherever we go.

And surely, God is indeed faithful to His promises. This year, like the Israelites, we journeyed to places too. And finally arrived to the land where God's church has to be built.

This year, as the start of the fulfillment of God's promises, Faith Hope Love Church has moved to its new location. With new environment, new scope, new faces, more lives to touch, and new church building. God made it all possible from the ground up. By His grace, and through His grace and provision.

This is only the beginning.

We believe that there is more to come! God has just started the fulfillment of His promises to the ministry. He will finish what He started. And by that, with a grateful heart, we are glad to enter another year of fruitfulness because we serve an awesome God!

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